I once asked our marketing director:
‘How will I know what to write about in my Blog?’
The answer he gave me has been in the back of my mind every time I write now….
His answer was simple:
‘Write about the questions you’ve been asked the most.’
Well, besides the differences between paint, techniques, colors and who cuts my hair (LOL), the most frequently asked question Matt or I have is: “How do we make our business & home life work? How do we manage between raising a blended family, running a business and being a couple?”
Well, I tell ya kids – it ain’t easy.
Let me start with the business end of things. Business, let alone retail isn’t for the faint of heart, it all looks so magical from a distance… this wonderful shop with lots of fun treasures… “Isn’t it fun to order and buy…and display…and visit with people?” Well yes and no. The highlights of running your own business is that it is your own, you make the decisions, you buy the product, you determine who you sell to. It’s all up to you (as I’m writing this I’m getting a knot in my stomach as I know how hard and how warring it is having your own business).
We All Ask Ourselves These Questions…
The product you choose, the demographic you choose, all the little decisions you make are on you! 24/7 of the time – it is you who is thinking of how will the decisions better your business etc. Now, don’t get me wrong – you will always fail and make mistakes when you’re in business that’s part of the game, part of ‘The Learning Experience’ as I like to call it.
There hasn’t been a time in my life or Matt’s when failing hasn’t brought us the most amazing gifts. Sometimes it takes months to realize the gifts though, and sometimes years – but in a nutshell, they are true blessings if you can overcome and learn from them.
I’m not writing this blog today to de-tour anyone from their dreams. If you want something bad enough and you work hard enough and believe in yourself even in the worst of times – you will achieve!
I’m very blessed to have come from a family that basically raised me in a retail setting, years of seeing my family struggle fight and rise to be one of the biggest and the best in their Industries has not only been motivating but has taught me so much about running a business.
Wait, And What About Kids & Family?
Now that I’ve given you my two cents on being in business and how trying it can be ill add on our next spinning gear…KIDS! Anyone that is close to me knows that my family is my number one priority. I’ve tried in the past to “balance” both my professional career and my family. “I got this, neither one has to give?”

The Support I (And Everyone Should) Get From Their Partners
Being a good mom/ parent also means asking for help, I couldn’t do this “boss babe”/”power mum” gig if it wasn’t for a few key people. Even though my kids dad and I aren’t together we still co-parent. I have them all week he has them weekends…This works well for both of us since our busiest days at the shop are weekends and his days off are weekends. Matt, my fiancé and business partner, also plays a key role in the family life. There are days I just don’t have enough time to buy groceries or pick out a Halloween costume so Matt comes to my rescue. Not only he is the brains to most of our designs and does a lot of the online mumbo jumbo (plus work a whole another job on top of this one) – he is someone who I truly rely on.
Recently I came down with the flu, BAD. The kids were home with me and I wasn’t functioning past the bed and bathroom, Matt drove home from work and not only hung out with kids but made me chicken noodle soup and filled me full of medicine. Gotta love a man like that, right
Another key player are our parents – what would we do without them?! I tell you, there are those nights you just don’t want to cook supper and mom and mother in law comes to the rescue! All these rolls in my life and Matt’s have made our dream of being entrepreneurs a reality, I’m so happy to have all of these people.
What It All Boils Down To
This all being said I know you are all wondering how Matt and I can stand to not only live together but running a business together. Honestly I think we really lucked out!! We both push each other really hard and we both have very high expectations for not only our business but each other. I think we complement one another nicely, he looks at a project and can figure out how to piece it all together, if it’s feasible and I look at it from a customer’s point of view and as a picky women.
We love working on things together, some of my most memorable moments have been staying up late with Matt painting canvases or making furniture. We truly enjoy one another’s company.
So there you have it. The round-a-bout sum up our work/home life. Maybe down the road we’ll get into a bit more details, who knows? Or maybe you have more questions relating to our wacky lives? If that’s the case, don’t hesitate to send it to us – we’d seriously love to hear from you!
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